June Newsletter Update & Survey

business Jun 24, 2020

CBID is here to help you work through this very challenging time.

Please do tell us how we can help you as the town reopens fully by completing our short survey below.   Let us continue to work together in the coming months to maximise the potential of our town.

Click here to take our short survey.


 Council Lobbying Update;

From the feedback we received from you on the ground, we have written to the Chief Executive of CCGC for the following support;

  • The safe opening of public toilets in Coleraine town centre
  • A delay of policy measures and relaxation of restrictions on our hospitality businesses offering a safe option of outdoor seating where able.
  • A deep clean & sanitisation of the towns public areas & temporary clean team to regularly sanitise the public realm
  • Continuing the support for car park users visiting Coleraine while the car parks are not full.


"Considerations for reopening a Licensed Premises and the Evening and Night-Time Economy". Pubs, Restaurants and Hotels.
The Webinar is one and a half hours and will cover the following topics;
1.       Operational and premises management considerations
2.       Strategy for reopening
3.       Policies, Procedures Processes
4.       Risk management and assessment
5.       Staff training
6.       Social distancing
7.       Hygiene
8.       Toilets
9.       Booking/ordering
10.     Promotion, Marketing, Messaging and PR
11.     Staff Management
12.     Financial support & Legal update
 The Webinar will be held on Zoom on Thursday June 25th at 4pm.   Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3961783400 Meeting ID: 396 178 3400 



Join the Monster Safari this Summer.

TVM are planning a digital monster safari around Coleraine this Summer.  There are 10 places available for our businesses to get involved.  More details on the concept can be found here. (https://monsterherosafari.com/ )

If your organisation is interested get in touch with Jamie.  On a first come first served basis.   [email protected]


 Some Links for Guidance;


If you have any further queries, please do contact me on the below number.  

07715527434 or email - [email protected] 

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